
Min Eo (Croaker)

The first seasonal dish prepared by Haenam Cheonilgwan

Min Eo (Croaker)

The first seasonal dish prepared by Haenam Cheonilgwan

Haenam Cheonilgwan Seasonal Food – Summer

Greetings everyone.

Many Korean people think of “SAMGYETANG” or eel for the summer days to help them stay healthy and get through the sweltering summer. Since the Joseon Dynasty, Min Eo has been recognized for their flavor and influence, making it a favorite summer food of the King and nobility of the southern provinces.

From June to late August, Min Eo’s flesh and fat are at its peak, Korean ancestors passed down an expression that, “In Hottest Summer, The Croaker Soup is First, second is DOMIJIMM, third is BOSINTANG”. From this expression, we are likely to think of Min Eo as the supreme food for hot summer days.

Greetings everyone.

Many Korean people think of “SAMGYETANG” or eel for the summer days to help them stay healthy and get through the sweltering summer. Since the Joseon Dynasty, Min Eo has been recognized for their flavor and influence, making it a favorite summer food of the King and  nobility of the southern provinces.

From June to late August, Min Eo’s flesh and fat are at its peak, Korean ancestors passed down an expression that, “In Hottest Summer, The Croaker Soup is First, second is DOMIJIMM, third is BOSINTANG”. From this expression, we are likely to think of Min Eo as the supreme food for the hot summer days.

The Min Eo (Croaker) Sashimi

The Min Eo Sashimi has a distinctive soft texture and savory flavor. It is best served with miso or oil, rather than vinegar or soy sauce. This is because we can enjoy the flavor without overpowering the mild taste of the fish.

Additionally, the specialty parts of the fish are the air bladder, blanched skin, and belly meat, which should be served with just a touch of sesame oil and salt to bring out the best flavors. The air bladder, which is only available in very small quantities, has a chewy texture and is the first part of the fish to be eaten, and the more you bite into it, the more the savory, oily flavor will fill your mouth.

The Min Eo (Croaker) Soup

The Min Eo (Croaker) Soup are so well-endowed with impact points in all the right places that there’s nothing left to throw away. The heads and bones left over from a favorite sashimi dish can be used to make an orphan broth, which is a great source of protein and fat, as well as calcium, iron, and phosphorus. The variety of nutrition are a great source of energy in the summer heat, and particularly it has anti-aging properties and promotes children’s growth and development, so people of all ages can enjoy it.

Jeong Yakjeon’s his book as JASANEBO, the first fish book in Korea, describes a Min Eo (Croaker) as follows: ” The Min Eo (Croaker) is flavorful and sweet, and can be cooked or eaten raw, and dried one is even more beneficial to the body.” In Hur Jun’s DONGHEBOGAM, he says, ” Min Eo(Croaker) are meaty and can be eaten to a full stomach. It is the most easily digested and absorbed of all fish, so it is beneficial to the development of children and the recovery of the health of the elderly and patients who are about to suffer a major illness.”

To help you get through the summer months, Haenam Cheoneilgwan puts together a list of some of the best summer foods for a summer specialty.